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From RM22.00 MYR
KEFUMEI Comfy Sodium Hyaluronate Repair Mask This medical-grade collagen dressing repair masks deeply penetrates and cleanses the skin to promote skin cell turnover while maintaining the vitality and youthfulness of...
AHC爱和纯 专研清颜泥膜100ml

AHC爱和纯 专研清颜泥膜100ml

RM103.00 MYR
AHC Pro Treatment Creamy Mud Mask Introducing AHC Pro Treatment Creamy Mud Mask: Your Pathway to Radiant Skin! Revitalize your skin with the power of natural elements. The AHC Pro...
菲尔思 医用光孑冷敷贴
Buy 5 Packs Get 6 Free Pieces1盒 (6片)1片

菲尔思 医用光孑冷敷贴

RM15.00 MYRFrom RM13.00 MYR
菲尔思 医用光孑冷敷贴 以高分子凝胶液、甘油顸无菌纯净用水为主要原料,使用医用无纺布为辅助装昔。释放水分,保持应肤处于相对封闭、高湿度的环境,具有隔离保湿的性能,达到光子治疗后物理退热、冷敷理疗的作用。使用方法:打开本品外包装,取出医用光子冷敷贴,展开后敷于治疗后的部位,轻压使无纺布贴紧皮肤,15-20分钟后取下即可。
润百颜 润养奶皮面膜
1盒 (5片)1片

润百颜 润养奶皮面膜

From RM15.00 MYR
润百颜 润养奶皮面膜 敷出嫩滑「牛奶肌」 醇厚滋养 嫩滑亮颜 一片「奶皮面膜」 肌肤如牛奶般细嫩幼滑 亲肤柔软如牛奶表面的一层软糯奶 服帖不易变形紧紧贴合,水润肌肤 高纳液量类似毛细管构造,吸附吏多精华 丰富牛奶精华滋养肌肤 提升肌肤紧致 肌肤光滑、细腻、弹嫩.
薇诺娜 舒敏修护面膜礼盒

薇诺娜 舒敏修护面膜礼盒

RM89.00 MYRRM40.00 MYR
薇诺娜 舒敏修护面膜礼盒敏感肌适用面膜三周 · 修护澎湃补水 三周 · 6片立体水盈方案舒缓 · 修护 · 巨补水三重玻尿酸 由内而外澎湃水润大分子玻尿酸锁水网络 阻隔水分流失小分子玻尿酸深入肌底 底层补水中分子玻尿酸高效储水 保留肌肤水分 植物精粹 安心助力修护天然马齿苋精粹击溃泛红干痒等敏肌问题纳豆保湿锁水 光泽年轻滇山茶双重补水开启高光时刻双分子透明质酸讷双重补水 开启高光时刻
敷尔佳 润泽水感绿泥膜

敷尔佳 润泽水感绿泥膜

RM68.00 MYRRM34.00 MYR
敷尔佳 润泽水感绿泥膜 8颗 补水 保湿 清洁 适用于普通人群的干性、中性、混合型肌肤 保湿+清洁,一颗双效,润泽肌肤的同时,使毛孔净爽。独立包装干净卫生、便于携带。
Medrepair Rejuvenating Repairing Mask 165g

Medrepair Rejuvenating Repairing Mask 165g

RM192.00 MYR
米蓓尔蓝绷带涂抹面膜补水保湿修护舒缓紧致 Medrepair Rejuvenating Repairing Mask is designed to rejuvenate and tighten your skin. Formulated with powerful anti-aging ingredients, this mask helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The...
FAN BEAUTY Signature Mask Collection

FAN BEAUTY Signature Mask Collection

RM434.00 MYRRM352.00 MYR
FAN BEAUTY Signature Mask Collection Indulge in the luxury of the FAN BEAUTY Signature Mask Collection, a curated assortment of premium masks designed to nourish, hydrate, and rejuvenate your skin....

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